Christopher Schwinger

Christopher has been answering questions through Got Questions's email ministry since January 2014. Having thought through or worked through many issues on his own, including the reasons for basic beliefs, how we know the Bible is true, and emotional struggles from the lack of grace among believers, he is grateful for the opportunity to share the truths he's found. He had a balance of secular and Christian education which gave him an appreciation for a liberal arts approach to truth and an ability to think critically about the Bible while still having eyes of faith.

Self-reliance or God-reliance?  |  Jul 26, 2017
We know that relying on ourselves alone is a bad idea, but we don't always get supernatural divine guidance for every decision. How do we rely on God when His will isn't obvious?


Causes of Evil  |  Apr 24, 2017
Our philosophy of evil matters. What we believe about evil — and what we believe causes it — affects our beliefs about the world, ourselves, and God.


Pornography Addiction  |  Mar, 2017
If you struggle with pornography, you are not alone. Understanding how the addiction started, what real love is, and how to stay healthy spiritually can help you get free.

How does a porn addiction get started?
A Christian Philosophy of Love
Spiritual Health Principles

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Atonement and Abraham Lincoln  |  Feb 13, 2017
Abraham Lincoln once intimated that God extended the Civil War in proportion to the evils of slavery. Maybe, but we do know Jesus' suffering was in proportion to our sin.
An Overview of Atonement
National Judgment and Personal Suffering

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The Sovereignty of God  |  Jan, 2017
Is God good? Is He sovereign? Then why do we experience hardships?
Hardships and the Pool of Siloam
Luck and Chance

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Relationships in Heaven  |  Dec 19, 2016
Is there justice in heaven? Will our troublesome relationships on earth be covered over in heaven, or will people understand how they hurt others?


Anxiety  |  Nov 7, 2016
Receiving freedom from anxiety isn't about praying enough. It's often a long road of obedience, study, Scripture memorization, and trusting God.


Misunderstood Teachings of Jesus  |  Aug/Sep, 2016
Part 1: Reconciliation with God and Man
Part 2: The Prodigal and his Brother
Part 3: Blasphemy and Forgiveness
Part 4: Application

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How Christ's Atonement Helps Us with Anger  |  Jul 11, 2016
Jesus was judged, persecuted, tortured, and murdered unjustly. How His example of mercy and reconciliation can inspire us in our own moments of anger.


Children's Emotional Health and Behavioral Problems  |  May/Jun, 2016
Our kids' behavior has more to do with how we love them than how we discipline them. Why the carrot's more important than the stick.

Part 1: Causes of Rebellious Behavior
Part 2: Problems with Cohabitating
Part 3: Redeeming a Difficult Standoff
Part 4: The Importance of Proportionate Discipline

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Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit  |  Jan/Feb, 2016
Part 1: How Confusion Thwarts Holiness
Part 2: Interpreting Context
Part 3: Significance without Fear
Part 4: Identifying a Hard Heart
Part 5: Hope in the Journey to Freedom
Part 6: Resolving Fear by Understanding Grace

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Deuteronomic Theology  |  Nov, 2015
Part 1: Reward and Punishment; Learning what God wants
Part 2: Why Bad Things Happen; A more complicated relationship

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The Good and Faithful Servant  |  Aug, 2015
What does it take to be God's good and faithful servant? Suggestions on how to serve others out of love.

Part 1: Evangelizing the Lost and Helping the Disadvantaged
Part 2: Forgiveness and the Balance between Contentment and Responsibility
Part 3: Knowing God and Giving Generously
Part 4: Courage and Humility
Part 5: Growing in Grace

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Loving God — Hurtful Church  |  Jun 1, 2015
God seems to act less directly in the world today, instead choosing to work through His church. So how can we think of God as loving if His church is hurtful


Origin of the Book of Job  |  Jun 18, 2014
Job's faith is inspiring, but his account is puzzling. When was the Book of Job written? When did he live? Christopher Schwinger explores why there seem to be such disparity between the descriptions of Job's life and the writing style of his story.


Image: Hermann; Untitled; Creative Commons