Terror Unleashed

By Jim Allen

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a deranged jihadist leader sweeping his army of evil assassins across portions of the Mideast killing Christians, Jews, Muslims and other religious minorities. This merciless slaughtered by religious terrorists is a form of evil that surpasses the brutal dictators of the 20th century, like Hitler, Stalin, and other madmen filled with narcissistic imaginings of world conquest and governance.

Alarmed by the ferociousness of the killing and al-Baghdadi's threat to world peace, Francis posted on the Vatican website:
The tragic experiences of the twentieth century, and the most basic understanding of human dignity, compels the international community, particularly through the norms and mechanisms of international law, to do all that it can to stop and to prevent further systematic violence against ethnic and religious minorities. [1]
In other words, the Pope is calling for western powers to form a military coalition to fight against this festering pestilence of evil that is spreading like a lethal cancer, killing anyone who will not conform to Islam. For whatever reason, America did not recognize the warning signs leading up to the genocide in the Middle East; and if the past is any indicator of the future, little if anything will be done to stop the madness and herein our dilemma.

When US troops pulled out in 2011, sovereign control of that nation transitioned back to Iraq. Their oil economy was back online and things were beginning to boom. Life was good and improving for the Iraqi people. But, here's the thing. The culture of the Iraqi people is steeped in tribal rule and religious traditions under Sharia Law. Dictators and local clan leaders rule with heavy hands. These people do not understand democracies and have no sense of national patriotism or loyalty like we do in America.

When ISIS* invaded Iraq under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the well-trained Iraqi army dropped their weapons and fled when hearing about the horrible atrocities committed by this army in the name of Allah. While the United States has now sent and is sending hundreds of advisors to guide Iraq loyalists (Kurds) in defending the nation, many political analysts feel Iraq and nearby countries could be lost.

So, what does all of this mean? It means Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and other regional Muslim states are in danger of being oppressed by a demonic horde that is hell-bent on total destruction of anyone not sharing their religious view. This is religious terrorism and the new face of evil! Beyond that and if left unchallenged, their ambition for control will grow into the worldwide caliphate many fear. The Muslim ambition has always been to build a one-world governing body that will replace all political, religious, and cultural systems with one that will bring in world peace.

While the Muslim ambition is to put the entire world under Sharia Law, the most disturbing tenant of Sharia Law is known as Jihad. Jihad is the command from Mohamad to kill every infidel and anyone not worshiping Allah (Quran 2:91-93). ISIS takes this command literally and is using this tenant of Sharia Law to justify the slaughter of men, women, and children whose only offense is having been labeled an infidel. As "The Religion of no Peace" puts it:
The strangest and most untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a Religion of Peace... The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule...It [Islam] is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet brutally shuns self-examination and represses criticism.
Should we be concerned? Yes. The Got Questions article on Sharia law states:
Christians should be very concerned about the spread of Islam in general and the impact of Sharia Law in particular. And we should always be alert to opportunities to witness to Muslims about the love of God through Christ Jesus.
What can we expect to happen next?

What happens next in this region of the world is important from a prophetic perspective because further destabilization in the Middle East exposes Israel and the world to unimaginable outcomes. The Book of Revelation warns about a time such as this when the nations of the world would spiral out of control under the leadership of godless men.

What is happening now is the destabilization in the Middle East; and if left unchallenged the world could witness the realization of the Islamic ambition to place all humanity under Sharia Law. Heaven forbid!

What are we doing to stop it? While the United States has been conducting some air strikes against ISIS, congressional leaders and retired military commanders complain these retaliatory steps by our military are half-hearted and will not stop the onslaught. If true, then what is America's true agenda? If the half-hearted allegation is without merit, then America will step up its game and bomb these madmen back into the 7th century where they belong.

Could the alleged lack of affirmative action by Western powers to form a coalition against ISIS be a strategy to destabilize the world in an attempt to justify a new one-world order? It is a question worth considering. This administration and several of the previous administrations spoke often about the need for a new world order. Is this the beginning of it and is religious terrorism the means to achieve it?

The United States is alleged to have released al-Baghdadi in 2009 for unknown reasons. If true, why was this hardcore jihadist released and to what end? Even more disturbing, and in flow with the preceding thought, is the decision to release (in June of this year) five jihadist generals in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl, an army sergeant whose squad reported he deserted them in Afghanistan to join the Afghan jihadists. Getting Bergdahl back was not enough to justify the exchange.

What was the real reason for the five jihadist generals (who swore jihad on America) to be released? And, to whom were they released? Do these five jihadists now report to al-Baghdadi? Are they coming to America? Some think so. Al-Baghdadi said (in chilling words when he left the U.S. detention camp in 2009), "I'll see you guys in New York." The guards hearing the charge by al-Baghdadi sensed that his remark lacked a tone of endearment and good tidings.

If the conquest and slaughter of Mideast countries continues unabated and if the destabilization spreads to Europe and America, people will become so fearful of what is happening they will accept any form of the government that will put an end to the "madness." By then, America would be so beaten down by the terror that its remaining citizenry would willingly cast off its Constitution for any solution even if it meant a new world order?

In closing on this troubling theme, Hal Lindsey (a popular prophecy teacher on his weekly Hal Lindsey Report) said, "We are there folks!" But, where is "there" and what did Hal mean? Is Hal talking about the events leading up to the Tribulation?

It could be Lindsey was referring to passages in Luke 21:28 and Revelation 3:10, "…in which Christ promises to deliver believers from the 'hour of trial' that is going to come upon the earth. This could mean two things. Either Christ will protect believers in the midst of the trials, or He will deliver believers out of the trials. Both are valid meanings of the Greek word translated 'from.' However, it is important to recognize what believers are promised to be kept from. It is not just the trial, but the 'hour' of trial. Christ is promising to keep believers from the very time period that contains the trials, namely the Tribulation." (Source.)

*ISIS is an abbreviation for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which has now been changed to IS, The Islamic State.

1. The Wall Street Journal – World - Pope Francis Urges Action to End Iraq Tragedy

Published 8-18-14