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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
If salvation can be lost, can it also be re-found? What sins result in salvation being lost? How can I know if I need to be re-saved, or if I just...
Jesus said we can't be His disciple unless we forsake all else. Does that mean we need to give away everything we own? Is it wrong to save for the...
Matthew 12:20 says Jesus will not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick. Such a gentle savior; we can surely trust Him with our hear...
204. Show Your Work
Anyone who's taken math knows to show their work. It helps you know how you got the answer and find your mistakes. The same advice is crucial for ...
Why Jesus is the Jewish Messiah: Isaiah 53's Suffering Servant
Focusing on evangelism is good, but the problem with the common evangelical soul-winning methodology used today is that it makes converts but not ...
The descendents of Abraham's first son, Ishmael, harassed Israel for years and even now threaten the world with their radical Islam. If God knew t...
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unpardonable. How do we take Jesus' words seriously without being overwhelmed by fear?
Continued blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is a sign of a hard heart. But could there be another motivation?
How do you share the love of Christ to someone who doubts God's existence? How can an agnostic person see their need for God? Thoughts on witnessi...