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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
Many claim that aliens have met with us, offering new truth and promising peace. But why do messages from ETs sound so similar to those of demons ...
Using works to buy salvation is about as useful as using foreign currency to buy lumber. It's pretty, but it's not going to work.
Do we have free will? Do we have the capability to derail God's plan?
Do Christians sin? Can we sin our way out of Jesus' gift of salvation?
How can you prove that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah? By showing He is a prophet greater than Moses, a priest on the order of Melchizedek, a king, a...
The 'telephone game' analogy says our version of the Bible was handed down with all the accuracy of a secret told by eight fifth-graders. It's an ...
There's a lot of confusion about willful sin, grieving the Holy Spirit, and committing the unpardonable sin. Fortunately, the Bible has the truth.
Bromleigh McCleneghan's new book claims sex outside of marriage is healthy, necessary, and holy. Although she's a pastor, her reasoning is less bi...
229. A Ghost Story
Are ghosts real? Do people come back from the dead to haunt us? Or are we visited by something far more dangerous?
Pope Francis is calling for love and tolerance for all. When does a call for peace turn into unbiblical ecumenicalism? Recognizing when being 'one...