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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
The Roman Catholic teaching of the Rapture is very different than that of fundamentalist evangelicals. How false theologies inform the Catholic en...
242. Saved by Grace
Almost every religion requires extensive works to be saved except Christianity. The Bible teaches salvation is only by grace; there is nothing we ...
God does still do miracles in our lives. But not every unusual blessing can be categorized as such.
Sometimes doubts and temptations pop up in a way that makes us think Satan can read our minds. Can he? Or is he just very clever?
245. The Unforgivable Sin
What is the unforgivable sin? If Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both God, how can God forgive blasphemy against one and not the other?
246. Is God human?
As humans, we tend to define God in human terms - and then judge Him as such. But He is not human, and we are not His judge.
247. Blind Faith
Christians are called to believe the unseeable, unknowable, unproveable. That doesn't mean we're called to have blind faith.
In John 14:12, Jesus says His followers will do greater work than He. Are Christian dominionists right that this mean Christians will take over th...
Some of us converted to Christianity from another religion. Others have friends and family who are not Christians. Should we celebrate other relig...
Does God compare us to others? Does God set other people as an example of how we are to act and serve Him? If so, who?