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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
A shamed woman, trying to hide. A moral teacher, trying to rest. The day the woman at the well asked where to worship and instead found the heart ...
Peter stood on the sea shore with the man he had betrayed and abandoned. But his sins were completely forgotten and entirely forgiven. Ours can be...
263. The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer has been used for centuries as a mantra - something to be repeated weekly or daily or several times in a row. But Jesus designed...
The Greek Geek tackles 'apolyo'--What does it mean that God hates divorce? What does the Christian culture get right--and wrong--about divorce?
What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Is the third commandment in the New Testament?
What an old children's story can tell us about vision, mentorship, and the necessity of a childlike creativity.
267. Sermonizing
The early church established sermons as a major way for more educated believers to teach younger Christ-followers. Sermonizing well takes hard wor...
There is a time to protest against racial injustice, to use the cry #BlackLivesMatter or even #AllLivesMatter. But our faith, always, comes before...
Our conscience is that part of us that warns us of right or wrong. But it is not match for the rationalization that we use to convince ourselves o...
When we are saved, we are no longer slaves to sin. So if we sin, are we still saved? What is the difference between backsliding and being unregene...