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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
Newsweek Magazine recently published an article by Kurt Eichenwald about how Christians do not understand the Bible very well. And proves that he ...
272. Sin Nature
From the smallest child to the worst murderer, we are all born with a sin nature. Only Jesus can return that part of us to the image of God.
Jesus' genealogies in Matthew and Luke split at King David. How do the two different lines give evidence that He is, in fact the Messiah?
Why do Jews continue to reject Jesus as their Messiah? In some part it has to do with the history of Jews, Jesus, and Christians.
Star Wars movies have always explored universal themes of good, evil, loyalty, and love. 'The Force Awakens' extends that allegorical tradition to...
Are there specific, real, significant reasons for Christians to not vote for Trump? Are these reasons enough?
What is the difference between a Christian nation and a nation inspired by Christian principles? Should we fight to keep America a Christian nation?
Mike Pence's personal conviction prohibits him from meeting alone with women. The vitriolic backlash clearly shows why he feels it necessary.
Does the Bible say Christians can lose their salvation? Can you lose your salvation if you don't go through the sanctification process? What does ...
Robert Greg Cavin claims it is statistically more likely that Jesus had a twin brother who took His body and then took His place than that God rai...