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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
The Greek Geek tackles 'epithumia.' What is desire? Is desire always wrong?
The Greek Geek tackles 'doxa'--What is the glory of God?
Critics say biblical Christianity is narrow-minded. It too specifically defines good and evil, right and wrong. Jesus says they're right - Christi...
How are believers consecrated? What does it mean to be consecrated in modern-day life?
The Greek Geek tackles 'makarios'--what does it mean to be 'blessed'?
Christ's words to the seven churches in Revelation are just as applicable to us as they were to them. Are you listening to those words?
Psalm 37:4: If God promised to give us the desires of our heart, why don't we have what we want?
Christmas presents are great! But even better is the presence of Jesus who grew up from that baby and died on the cross for our sins.
Jesus' genealogy reveals two things to us: Who He is to us and who we are to Him. The broken branches in His family tree show He can accept the br...
Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength doesn't mean we can't love others. It shows us how to love others better.