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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
Some passages in 1 John seem to preach a gospel of works instead of grace. Does the book contradict the rest of Scripture? Or is it a response to ...
Hypersensitive people are said to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Is this a good thing? How can we stop being so offended?
Is Christianity about freedom? Or about being a slave to Christ?
The enemy does not allow us to live unopposed. He is shrewder than we think, using the very things we think we 'should' be to draw us away from Go...
Altar calls are a common in evangelical churches. But are they biblical? Or do they teach bad theology about salvation?
What we've been taught about the Spanish Inquisition, and the Scopes Monkey Trial have about as much truth in them as Cinderella. Find out how pop...
InterVarsity has requested employees who support LGBTQ rights step down. Is this discriminatory hiring practices or freedom of religion?
What is the difference between repentance and asking God for forgiveness from our sins? If we are forgiven when we are saved, why do we have to re...
Imperfect? Aorist? Pluperfect? Either Chrome's automatic translator isn't working or we're talking about Greek verb tenses.
Today seeker-friendly mega-churches seem to be the goal. But Jesus had very different standards for the seven churches of Revelation - and for the...