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Search results for: Biblical-Truth
811 results found.
82 pages of results.
Matthew 6:34 tells believers to not be anxious about tomorrow. Does this mean God will always protect us and provide for us? Or just that we have ...
52. Bearing Burdens
Galatians 6:2 says that we are to bear one another's burdens. We have pictures of carrying backpacks for fallen hikers. But that's not quite what ...
A review of the movie 'Audacity' by Living Waters. On the audacity it takes to save others from hell.
Is the 'Killing Jesus' movie biblically accurate? Are there any major problems/errors in the 'Killing Jesus' movie?
What is your review of Exodus: Gods and Kings? Is Exodus: Gods and Kings biblically accurate? Should a Christian see Exodus: Gods and Kings?
What is's review of the 'Heaven is for Real' movie? What problems are there with the movie in comparison to what the Bible says a...
Is the recent movie 'Son of God' biblical? What are the positives and negatives of the 'Son of God' movie?
58. Pit Principles
Pits happen--to all of us. But if God leaves us in a pit, we can be sure there's a reason. Some thoughts on what we should do in the meantime.
The Sea of Galilee was the scene of many of Jesus' miracles. It's where He walked on water, calmed the storm, and fed the people. And it's where H...
Why did Jesus have such harsh words for the Pharisees? What does it mean to strain out a gnat but swallow a camel?