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Search results for: Controversial-Issues
343 results found.
35 pages of results.
Leviticus has some odd and very specific laws regarding a woman's recovery from childbirth. Some say they're strictly ceremonial. But the might be...
222. The Age of Adam
The Bible says Adam reached the age of 930 years. But does this include his time in Eden? How long was he in Eden? The answer holds the answer to ...
223. On Worship and Work
What do we do when we realize we don't actually like worship services? Should we skip? Or is the effort in itself a form of worship?
The world tells us to take care of needs at home before we worry about others. But is that what Jesus taught? What are the practical implications ...
Three children of Abraham meet in a clinic in a train station. One has nothing, one has shoes, and one has God's promise to Abraham. When Middle E...
Before Christians argue over the age of the earth, they should understand two things: sedimentary rock looks really old; and it's evolution that m...
Sexual sin within a church congregation is, sadly, not uncommon. How should church leadership react? And how should other members respond when the...
Abuse of children by clergy leaves unique and horrible scars. The movie 'Spotlight' reveals what happens when a religious organization protects it...
Jesus told us to go through all the world and preach the gospel; does this include dens of iniquity? Should we meet people where they are geograph...
It is good to expose false-teaching. But there are better ways to spend our time than condemning every specific error like some theological whack-...