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Search results for: Controversial-Issues
343 results found.
35 pages of results.
231. Handed over to Satan
In 1 Corinthians, Paul orders an extreme level of church discipline - to hand the offender over to Satan. How such a horrible punishment is actual...
232. The Icon Controversy
Icons - images and statues of biblical and religious characters - have been a tool for the illiterate for generations. But they can also lead to i...
233. Scotism
John Duns Scotus was a Fransiscan scholar and philosopher whose work had great significance on Catholic theology. Too bad so many of his ideas wer...
Our days are filled with choices and very strong feelings. When does living out a conviction stop being freedom and start being legalism?
The internet is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family over Christmas. But when Christians troll each other about beliefs about Chri...
How did the microbe really get his DNA? Every theory of abiogenesis includes a significant episode of 'it just happened...somehow,' without any pl...
Is it better to say what is right or to save feelings and, in kindness, fudge the truth a little? What if the two weren't mutually exclusive?
Was the Garden of Eden real? Did God refer to a literal garden in Genesis 1?
Should a Christian join a union? How can a Christian support workers' rights while ensuring their money doesn't support unbiblical causes?
Christians are called to look toward the perfection and peace of eternity, but we're also called to address injustice here in this temporary world.