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Search results for: Controversial-Issues
343 results found.
35 pages of results.
Those in the LGBT community face an increased risk of violence, including domestic violence. The Bible teaches believers to respond as they would ...
Conscientious objectors serve and defend their countries without killing. When faced with mandatory military duty, should a Christian be a conscie...
Is the birth control pill a safe option for women? Is it a good choice for a girl to go on the pill?
Why am I a young earth creationist? Isn't it hard to be a young earth creationist when it makes most of the world think you are a backwards, ignor...
What do lifespans in Genesis say about the age of the earth? What do the different genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke mean?
Bill Nye and Ken Ham debate, a nation watches, and both sides claim the win. What are the core issues behind the old earth/new earth argument?
Who were the cavemen? Were they the predecessors of modern man, or just another animal?
Controlling your kids' access to the internet is important to protect them from child trafficking--and to protect their hearts.
We read an ancient text with twenty-first century eyes. What relevance does the Hebrew-Judaeo Worldview have on intpreting the words?
Did Noah's Flood really occur? If so, what does it say about the age of the Earth?