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Search results for: Controversial-Issues
343 results found.
35 pages of results.
What do the creation accounts in Genesis 1-2 say about the age of the earth?
Did God create the earth in six literal days? Or is the Hebrew 'yom' used metaphorically to mean 'age'?
Glacial varves and tree rings provide a calendar for the age of the earth. What does that calendar say?
What do fossils of dinosaurs indicate about the age of the earth? Did dinosaurs and people really coexist?
Radiometric age-dating is used to determine the age of rocks. Is it accurate? What does it say about the age of the earth?
How old is the earth? What does geology say? What are the spiritual implications of the young-earth/old-earth debate?
Christianity is more than doing all the right things just to go to heaven. It is all about living according to the rule of Christ, the kingdom hea...
The Bible has strong warnings for church leaders who engage in the mistreatment of laity. What is the warning to the pastor who abuses? What and h...
259. Sabbath Rest
The Old Testament law is not required for Christians in the church. We do not have to follow the Sabbath. But maybe we should, anyway...
Atheists accuse Christians, and other theists, of believing in fairy tales. Is atheism truly any different? How would an atheist fairy tale read?