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Search results for: Controversial-Issues
343 results found.
35 pages of results.
Why did the Mosaic Law command homosexuals to be stoned? Why was God so violent in the Old Testament?
Do you really understand the difference between good and evil? When your ideas are challenged, where do you turn?
Bruce Jenner believes he's a woman; Rachel Dolezal believes she's and African American. What does the Bible - and logic - say about identity bendi...
Seekers, agnostics, atheists, cultists--there's a long list of people we should witness to. But there is one the Bible tells us to walk away from.
How could a loving God send people to hell? Many people struggle with this question. What is the answer?
Why did God wait until Abraham to reveal Himself? How did God expect people to worship Him when no one knew about Him?
The Doctor on Star Trek Voyager is quite a character. But looking deeper, it turns out his character reveals something profound about free will vs...
Young earth/old earth, rapture/no-rapture, free-will/predestination - what do we really have to believe to be saved?
Is Christianity the cause of major wars or something in human nature? Because the Bible actually tells people to be nice to each other.
Is there a pre-tribulation rapture? What are some arguments for the existence of the rapture of the church before the tribulation?