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Search results for: Current-Issues
294 results found.
30 pages of results.
Will May 21, 2011 be the end of the world? What is the biblical basis for predicting an end times event on 05/21/2011?
Does the pope have anything to do with the end times? Will the next pope, or a future pope, be the antichrist? Why does the resignation of the pop...
Why do I believe in marriage inequality? Aren't all people created equal? Shouldn't Christians support equal rights? Isn't marriage equality a civ...
What was the reason behind the closure of Exodus International? Is homosexuality something that cannot be overcome?
Is it wrong for a person to seek escape from a slow and painful death through euthanasia? Is it wrong to want to die with dignity?
What does the Bible say about racism, discrimination and prejudice?
What is biblical about the Noah movie? What is unbiblical about the Noah movie? Should a Christian see the Noah movie?
Is betting on fantasy football picks a sin? Is fantasy football a game of skill or a game of chance, and does it matter?
What is's review of the 'Heaven is for Real' movie? What problems are there with the movie in comparison to what the Bible says a...
What is's review of the 2014 movie 'Left Behind'? Is 'Left Behind' worth seeing? Does it accurately portray the biblical rapture?