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Search results for: Current-Issues
294 results found.
30 pages of results.
Is the 'Killing Jesus' movie biblically accurate? Are there any major problems/errors in the 'Killing Jesus' movie?
In a time when the worth of humanity - especially women - is constantly degraded in media, one violent, post-apolcalyptic film does the opposite.
'Jurassic World': Where the dinosaurs are bigger than the plot. But that's okay because dinosaurs.
A review of the movie 'Audacity' by Living Waters. On the audacity it takes to save others from hell.
How should Christians respond to the 'leave, convert, or die' warning from ISIS in Iraq? Can persecution actually be a good thing?
36. The Lost Gospel
Does the 'Lost Gospel' prove that Jesus was married and had children? How should Christians respond to the discovery of lost gospels?
InterVarsity has requested employees who support LGBTQ rights step down. Is this discriminatory hiring practices or freedom of religion?
Some people think the church should take over the government and laws should reflect biblical values. Others believe faith has no place in politic...
We are not your enemies and we do not hate you ? how the Orlando terrorist attack shows us what hate really looks like.
Two parties have dominated American presidential elections for decades. At this point, a third-party win is unlikely. Should believers 'get real' ...