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Search results for: Current-Issues
294 results found.
30 pages of results.
'I can no longer in good conscience identify myself politically as a Republican. I am now officially, and happily, unaffiliated.'
Romans 13:1 says that God puts all governing authorities into place. Does that mean whoever wins the election is God's will?
2017 will bring a lot of changes to our country. Psalm 146 teaches us not to trust in human effort but to keep faith in God.
What is up with Millennials (aka Generation Y)? Are there really some traits that are unique to Millennials, not found in any of the other generat...
Maddi Runkels didn't know she was confessing her sin to the world. Or that the world would argue if her punishment was fair. She only knew that Je...
Why shouldn't transgender individuals be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they self-identify with?
None of use are capable living the Christian life perfectly the way Christ asks. But we can make an effort to follow Him and not the church cultur...
There is a difference between a Christian culture and a group of Christ-followers. And there's a difference between religious persecution and bein...
Politics can't save America because the battle is not political. The battle is spiritual, and the only way to win is salvation.
Many say the drama over Phil Robertson is about free speech. But what if it's really about freedom of religion?