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Search results for: Current-Issues
294 results found.
30 pages of results.
How should Christians respond to Bruce Jenner's transformation into Caitlyn? What response would best lead him, and others, to God's grace?
News sources and social media blare at us, trying to scare us that the sky is falling. But if we remember that the end of the story is already wri...
Same sex marriage, Donald Trump, Planned Parenthood, and a dead lion: The summer of 2015 has given us plenty of fuel for rage. But how would Jesus...
The discussion about women in the draft has been raised once again, but this time under different circumstances: combat positions are now open to ...
Did Kim Davis make the right decision in refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples? What should Christians do when the requirements of th...
What does the Bible say about a woman president? Is leading a nation against God's design for women?
What does the Bible say about how refugees should be treated? How should Christians view the Syrian refugee crisis?
Why are some Muslims radically violent terrorists when the majority of Muslims are peaceful? Which version of Islam is the real Islam, the violent...
There don't seem to be any good options for the 2016 election, although parties are quick to express doom and gloom if the other side wins. Where ...
The question about women in the draft has come up again. Apologist - and father - Jeff Laird weighs in on the discussion.