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Search results for: End-Times
34 results found.
4 pages of results.
Is there a pre-tribulation rapture? What are some arguments for the existence of the rapture of the church before the tribulation?
Sometimes biblical prophecy is only understood in hindsight. With Daniel's seventy weeks, we can see how it pointed to Jesus' crucifixion, but als...
During the Tribulation, what will the role of the Holy Spirit be? Will He indwell new believers as in the church age, or merely regenerate them as...
Believers lacking a foundational view of the gospel are vulnerable to heresy, which takes on many forms of deception.
Is the doctrine of pastoral authority, popularized in the Under Cover teaching, pure heresy or a necessary building block for Christian growth?
What will happen when Jesus returns in the end times for the Bride of Christ? Does the Bible tell us?
27. The Opening Act
Although Scripture does not give specific timing for the rapture, it is the next prophetic event to occur. Could it occur before the tribulation?
28. No Need for God
Does the Bible warn about a time when world leaders will launch a new era of hope and change for humanity?
Jesus said to look for signs about the end of the age. Does the current state of the sun point to one of those signs?
The world is not our home when society views corruption as a badge of honor, lying as an acceptable alternative to truth, and integrity as an obst...