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Search results for: Family-Life
74 results found.
8 pages of results.
God created men and women with equal values but different roles in the family and church. What is women's place in God's creation?
What does recent research tell us about human trafficking? Where does it come from, and how can it be stopped?
Second marriages, especially among older couples, could result in serious financial loss. Is it biblical to have a 'church' wedding but not file w...
No responsible parent would let a child speak at them with insults and vulgarities. So why do people think it's okay to use blasphemy against God?
Some of us converted to Christianity from another religion. Others have friends and family who are not Christians. Should we celebrate other relig...
People are living longer, but not necessarily healthier. What does the Bible say about elder care and the responsibility of adult children to thei...
Does God call Christians to marry and have kids? Or to remain single and have more time to serve Him? Apologies to Hamlet, but it's not a yes-or-n...
I knew God wanted me to have a kid to scour out my comfortable, self-absorbed lifestyle. What I didn't realize was how much I'd learn about God.
The Bible tells us to both honor and obey our parents. These commands shift depending on age and living situation. Learning to honor and obey thro...
Is the War Room movie worth seeing? Are there any doctrinal errors in the War Room movie?