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Search results for: Family-Life
74 results found.
8 pages of results.
How should a wife respond to a difficult mother-in-law? How does she show Christ's love when her husband won't support her?
In Vitro Fertilization has brought thousands of hopeful couples the baby of their dreams. But what happens to the abandoned fertilized eggs? Is th...
Do you have an unbelieving family member? When our verbal witness fails, is the silent witness a viable option?
The culture says that God is not necessary to live a moral life. But where does morality come from? Is it possible to raise a truly moral child wi...
The Bible tells us to follow and honor God, but it also tells us to take care of our families? What do we do when the two demands seem to clash? W...
66. Child Support
How should a Christian respond when a court-order for child support isn't being followed? Does the mandate against going to court stand in opposit...
Mothers raise us, nurture us, and sometimes hurt us. The best gift you can give your mother doesn't cost a thing - and benefits you as much as her.
Obeying one simple rule is easy. But if a child refuses to obey parents, will they refuse to obey God when grown? Teaching a child the way to go.
No matter how strongly parents feel about their older child's disobedience, their responding discipline must remain proportionate and logical. Emo...
Kids get to the point where they need all guidance and no punishment. Joining your adult child in their problem, instead of punishing them for not...