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Search results for: Other-Religions
46 results found.
5 pages of results.
Atheists love to tell Christians how to be more culturally and religiously sensitive to those who don't follow their beliefs. But how can atheists...
Why are some Muslims radically violent terrorists when the majority of Muslims are peaceful? Which version of Islam is the real Islam, the violent...
Atheists love to tell Christians how to be more culturally and religiously sensitive to those who don't follow their beliefs. But how can atheists...
Icons - images and statues of biblical and religious characters - have been a tool for the illiterate for generations. But they can also lead to i...
The Jewish Messiah will bring universal peace, a worldwide knowledge of God, and the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. How does Jesus fit this?
Abuse of children by clergy leaves unique and horrible scars. The movie 'Spotlight' reveals what happens when a religious organization protects it...
Dabiq, the magazine published by ISIS, recently had an article entitled 'Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You.' What is the Christian response? 'Why...
Despite 2000 years of history, the modern church feels like a 20-something - fairly respectable but restless. How can we reach beyond respectable ...
The pope's call for ecumenicalism doesen't mean Catholicism will be the one-world religion, but it does serve as a warning that the end times are ...
Making a difference is what Jesus had in mind when he gave us the Great Commission. What end-time obstacle will war against the preaching of the G...