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Search results for: Other-Religions
46 results found.
5 pages of results.
What do you have to believe to be saved? Does salvation require perfect doctrine? Is perfect doctrine even possible?
How can a Christian witness to New Agers? No cohesive belief system, no objective truth...Strangely enough, like the gospel, it begins with Jesus.
God's covenants with the Jews were corporate - they applied to the nation as a whole. Heaven wasn't mentioned much in the Old Testament. But that ...
How should Evangelical Christians respond to Hank Hanegraaff's embrace of Eastern Orthodoxy? Is a conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy a denial of the ...
There are a couple of passages in the Qur'an that Muslims claim give accurate descriptions of embryology. If it's the case, it could prove the Qur...
Should we be Islamophobic? Can we reject Islam while still loving Muslims?
Christianity has the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Hinduism has Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. What are the similarities and differences betwe...
Why Jesus is the Jewish Messiah: of Abraham, Jesse, and the word 'alma.'
Why Jesus is the Jewish Messiah: Isaiah 53's Suffering Servant
Why Jesus is the Jewish Messiah: Melchizedek, the King of Salem, and Yeshua.