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Search results for: Other-Religions
46 results found.
5 pages of results.
Is the doctrine of purgatory a dangerous doctrine? Does it really matter whether purgatory exists?
Why are good works valued in every culture? Evolution doesn't explain it. And they don't bring salvation. So why are good works integral to who we...
What do Messianic Judaism and Kabbalah have in common? Just a root in Judaism. One is the completion of God's promises to Abraham. The other is so...
'Which god exists? Odin? Thor? Allah? There are countless gods to choose from so why I should I believe in the one you're talking about?' It's act...
45. Are Muslims correct that the Bible has been corrupted? How the Qur'an actually affirms the Bible.
It is common for Muslims today to argue that the Bible has been corrupted over the ages. But what if the Qur'an's own words actually affirm the Bi...
Star Wars movies have always explored universal themes of good, evil, loyalty, and love. 'The Force Awakens' extends that allegorical tradition to...