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Search results for: Personal-Life
166 results found.
17 pages of results.
What is true poverty? What is mental poverty? What is spiritual poverty? Is poverty much more than the absence of money?
When God gives gifts to others in the church body, do we thank Him? We should be grateful to others and give honor where honor is due. But we must...
Compassion International is dedicated to 'releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.' Find out how you can help with the Child Sponsorship Pr...
The world tells us to take care of needs at home before we worry about others. But is that what Jesus taught? What are the practical implications ...
Seems like no matter how much we have, it's not enough. Where does that feeling come from?
Jeff Laird looks back over ten years as a volunteer writer for Got Questions.
We have these children for a very short time. What can God do during this time to change the course of their lives?
A pastor's kid thinks back to her own childhood when her husband is asked to become an elder. Are the trials, hard work, and lack of appreciation ...
Smart phones are amazing -- with one device you can keep in contact, share with friends, even read the Bible. But sometimes the distractions are m...
Media and video games are eroding our kids' attention spans. When should we stop fighting it and use technology to our kids' advantage?