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Search results for: Personal-Life
166 results found.
17 pages of results.
In today's job market, it's hard enough to find a job, let alone a vocation. What should you look for when seeking the place of your life's work?
We thought we were adopting him, but he had to adopt us, too.
Should a Christian make a New Year's resolution? If so, what sort of a New Year's resolution should a Christian make?
Praying in Jesus' name doesn't mean tacking on a signature to your prayer. It means relying on your relationship with Christ for your relationship...
There's a time to indulge in secular culture to find symbolic meaning and to relate to the outside world. And there's a time to refrain from ever-...
With the wrong application, metaphors can be dangerous. But, as Jesus proved, they're still useful for explaining spiritual truths. Some ideas Chr...
What does it take to choose life? Humility, bravery, and a soft heart.
Should a Christian watch 'Doctor Who'? Is the Doctor an allegory for Christ? Or is the show just an entertaining science fiction TV program?
Paul said he had a 'thorn in the flesh.' Did he mean a chronic ailment or a sinful addiction? Either way, the application is the same.
How does rejecting God because of misunderstanding actually glorify Him? How does it honor God to send people to hell?