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Search results for: Personal-Life
166 results found.
17 pages of results.
Freedom is a gift of God, through Jesus. Freedom from sin, fear, expectations...But it often takes time to learn how to live in that new freedom.
52. Purpose in Life
'Whatcha know good?' the old man would say. But it's what he knew about purpose and joy that can speak to our lives.
Chronic pain, chornic disease, disabilities - The Bible tells us to visit those in prison, but what about those imprisoned in their own bodies? Ho...
We don't need a special Valentine if we have the love of friends. And some chocolate.
Exercising self-discipline takes priorities, motivation, time, repetition, and steadfastness, then wash, rinse, repeat. And having someone to chee...
Can a Christian be a furry, goth, or punk? What does the Bible say about steampunk, Ren Fairs, and cosplay?
57. Saved by Grace
Almost every religion requires extensive works to be saved except Christianity. The Bible teaches salvation is only by grace; there is nothing we ...
58. A Ghost Story
Are ghosts real? Do people come back from the dead to haunt us? Or are we visited by something far more dangerous?
Second marriages, especially among older couples, could result in serious financial loss. Is it biblical to have a 'church' wedding but not file w...
60. Armor Part 2
We know we are to take up the armor of God, but what are we supposed to do with it?