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Search results for: Political-Issues
98 results found.
10 pages of results.
The world tells us to take care of needs at home before we worry about others. But is that what Jesus taught? What are the practical implications ...
Three children of Abraham meet in a clinic in a train station. One has nothing, one has shoes, and one has God's promise to Abraham. When Middle E...
Christian apologetics is a noble cause, but logic is sometimes a rare commodity. How to argue truth without falling into fallacy.
What do appeals to authority, fallacy fallacies, personal incredulity, and slippery slopes have in common? A distinct lack of logic that make for ...
'I can no longer in good conscience identify myself politically as a Republican. I am now officially, and happily, unaffiliated.'
How should Christians respond to the presidency of Donald Trump? Is Donald Trump a Christian? Is Donald Trump the antichrist?
Romans 13:1 says that God puts all governing authorities into place. Does that mean whoever wins the election is God's will?
2017 will bring a lot of changes to our country. Psalm 146 teaches us not to trust in human effort but to keep faith in God.
Some people think the church should take over the government and laws should reflect biblical values. Others believe faith has no place in politic...
It's ironic that the general who won America independence owned 300 slaves. It's even more so that he spent his last years fighting for their free...