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Search results for: Political-Issues
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10 pages of results.
Politics can't save America because the battle is not political. The battle is spiritual, and the only way to win is salvation.
Across the country, the government is insisting Christian business owners act against their conscience. What should we do when the law and Christi...
Hashtags and profile pictures will not protect Christians and others in the Middle East from the armies of the Islamic State. You feel strongly ab...
The Confederate Flag: Where freedom in Christ meets loving others. What is the biblical response?
The hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion celebrates the horror of murdered children. Instead, shout your heartbreak, shout your anger, #ShoutYourDisgust.
Trolling, racist, rebellious, angry - the 'alt-right' is a lot of things, but it isn't Christian. But what if we're complicit in its creation? And...
'Religion has torn families apart and started countless wars.' We all know this. But is it true? Or is there something deeper inside the human hea...
It can be emotionally satisfying to spread information about our frustrating culture and government. But is it edifying? Reining in the conspiraci...
Christians are losing their comfort and will lose their liberties. It is inevitable. How we react is up to us. Will we mourn our losses or choose ...
Then-Senator Obama said he did not want his daughters to be punished with a baby. But is having a baby ever punishment? How one small soundbite de...