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Search results for: Sin-Evil
207 results found.
21 pages of results.
Our worst day, worst week, worst year, are images of a day long ago -- the worst Friday ever.
Spiritual abuse by church leaders is a serious matter. How should believers respond to abusers living among us?
It is difficult to distinguish between temptation and desire without the transforming work of Christ in our lives.
Jesus didn't say to love the sinner and hate the sin, Ghandi did. But believers are called to love, including the hard, often unrewarding work of ...
95. Causes of Evil
Our philosophy of evil matters. What we believe about evil - and what we believe causes it - affects our beliefs about the world, ourselves, and G...
We know we're called to forgive, but how? Sometimes it's easier to pretend we're not hurt than to work through the pain others cause. But avoidanc...
97. Believing God
Believing God means living in His absolute love, goodness, and faithfulness, even when surrounded by darkness and trials.
We rarely contemplate the seriousness of our sin. Living in God's grace causes us to minimize our sin, but the Bible clearly illustrates the conse...
Becoming a Christ-follower starts a long series of radical changes. But most of those changes are internal, and come in fits and starts, often lea...
Jesus was judged, persecuted, tortured, and murdered unjustly. How His example of mercy and reconciliation can inspire us in our own moments of an...