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Search results for: Sin-Evil
207 results found.
21 pages of results.
It is good to expose false-teaching. But there are better ways to spend our time than condemning every specific error like some theological whack-...
142. Confession
Confession is one of the must underappreciated discipline in the church today. There is a reason we are called to confess our sins to one another;...
Sexual sin within a church congregation is, sadly, not uncommon. How should church leadership react? And how should other members respond when the...
144. Food for Thought
We used to eat from our garden and live off the land. Now everything's pre-made and ready to eat. But more than organic, gluten-free, or local sou...
Compassion International provides meals, education, healthcare, and Jesus' love. But in the darkest parts of Brazil, they also bring sanctuary.
Controlling your kids' access to the internet is important to protect them from child trafficking--and to protect their hearts.
It's easy to say virtual child sex trafficking is morally wrong. But in a society where the law is based on more practical things than ethics, how...
Current neuroscience theory says all of our actions are determined by outside stimuli and we have no free will. Very few know to take this to its ...
Our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked. But Jesus promises to replace our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. How can we conform to the...
The whole world is becoming increasingly offensive - and offended. Is it a sin to look at this fallen world and be offended? Or does the sin come ...