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Search results for: Sin-Evil
207 results found.
21 pages of results.
What is the millstone award? Why did Jesus speak so strongly against causing little ones to stumble?
Why do men cheat on their wives? Why is the temptation for adultery a bigger problem for men than it is for women?
23. Bearing Burdens
Galatians 6:2 says that we are to bear one another's burdens. We have pictures of carrying backpacks for fallen hikers. But that's not quite what ...
Second Peter 3:14 calls us to be spotless, blameless, and at peace with God. How can we do this if we're still stuck in our sinful lives?
Psalm 7 is David's beautiful cry for God's rescue. It reaches deeper, however, past the hardship and into the root of their relationship.
Then-Senator Obama said he did not want his daughters to be punished with a baby. But is having a baby ever punishment? How one small soundbite de...
We are built for community. But not community brought by universal acceptance or validation. Nor by strict rules. We're built for community in Chr...
Should we listen to music performed or written by a Christian who lives in unrepentant sin? Or has wrong theological beliefs? Where do you draw th...
'Religion has torn families apart and started countless wars.' We all know this. But is it true? Or is there something deeper inside the human hea...
Is sinless perfection / entire sanctification possible? In the Christian life, is it possible to achieve permanent sinlessness?