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Search results for: Sin-Evil
207 results found.
21 pages of results.
Today seeker-friendly mega-churches seem to be the goal. But Jesus had very different standards for the seven churches of Revelation - and for the...
The Greek Geek tackles 'lawlessness'--What does it mean to be lawless, and why is it such a big deal?
The Greek Geek tackles 'trespass'--What should we think of the 'little' sins we accidentally fall into?
The Greek Geek tackles 'impurity'--How does the Old Testament concept of uncleanness apply to the New Testament church?
Does God tempt us? What is the difference between trials and temptations? And what do the tea-totalling Rechabites have to do with it?
The Greek Geek tackles 'epithumia.' What is desire? Is desire always wrong?
Jesus' genealogy reveals two things to us: Who He is to us and who we are to Him. The broken branches in His family tree show He can accept the br...
Many claim that we should stand on the stages and boldly preach how wrong it is for homosexual couples to marry because it is going against God, a...
Hypersensitive people are said to wear their hearts on their sleeves. Is this a good thing? How can we stop being so offended?
The enemy does not allow us to live unopposed. He is shrewder than we think, using the very things we think we 'should' be to draw us away from Go...