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Search results for: Witnessing-Evangelism
59 results found.
6 pages of results.
21. Is God human?
As humans, we tend to define God in human terms - and then judge Him as such. But He is not human, and we are not His judge.
Focusing on evangelism is good, but the problem with the common evangelical soul-winning methodology used today is that it makes converts but not ...
How do you share the love of Christ to someone who doubts God's existence? How can an agnostic person see their need for God? Thoughts on witnessi...
Using works to buy salvation is about as useful as using foreign currency to buy lumber. It's pretty, but it's not going to work.
How can you prove that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah? By showing He is a prophet greater than Moses, a priest on the order of Melchizedek, a king, a...
Most atheists claim they reject God because of logic. Further discussion, however, will reveal questions about evil in the world, unanswered praye...
Pastors and Christians in general oftentimes wrestle with the question of why some people who profess to be believers walk away from the faith. Si...
There have been a glut of bad movies based on Bible events in recent years. 'Risen' take a different tack, showing the resurrection through the ey...
What do appeals to authority, fallacy fallacies, personal incredulity, and slippery slopes have in common? A distinct lack of logic that make for ...
Christian apologetics is a noble cause, but logic is sometimes a rare commodity. How to argue truth without falling into fallacy.