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Search results for: Witnessing-Evangelism
59 results found.
6 pages of results.
How can a Christian witness to New Agers? No cohesive belief system, no objective truth...Strangely enough, like the gospel, it begins with Jesus.
Being 'born again' is a strange image with a controversial meaning. But it's true and simple: the only way to go to heaven is to trust in Christ a...
Jesus is unique in history. No other religious leader is so respected by other religions. But no other religious leader claimed to be the only way...
Jesus promises to forgive all your sins if you accept Him as your savior. Is there a limit to His forgiveness? Can you sin so much Jesus can't sav...
God's wrath is driven by His holiness and righteousness. It is complete and demands justice. And it is the reason we have Christmas.
Can an LGBTQ person be saved? Will they go to heaven when they die? Absolutely! If they trust in Jesus for their salvation and are indwelt by the ...
Is the Bible really true? What keeps Christians faithful? The eternal life in the Words of God.
Seekers, agnostics, atheists, cultists--there's a long list of people we should witness to. But there is one the Bible tells us to walk away from.
Why do Jews continue to reject Jesus as their Messiah? In some part it has to do with the history of Jews, Jesus, and Christians.