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Search results for: Sin-Evil
207 results found.
21 pages of results.
Resisting sin is a good thing - it means you're fighting. If you're a believer, you are dead to sin and reckoned to righteousness. The trick is li...
112. Gossip and Prayer
There's a difference between gossip and sharing to gain wise counsel and prayer. But sometimes God puts us in hard situations because He wants 'us...
113. Of Love and Holiness
We are called to love others where they are, not expecting spiritual maturity in a wounded soul. But when we ignore the value of holiness, we slid...
The catchword for this generation seems to be 'justice.' Individuals and groups alike are calling for their injustices to be addressed. Christians...
115. Who tempts us?
Who tempts us? Is it Satan? Other demons? God? Or our own sin nature? How to determine what is tempting us, and if the temptation is an attack or ...
How we react to significant events displays what we believe in our hearts. When faced with another mass-shooting, do we look for blame and fear? O...
Dabiq, the magazine published by ISIS, recently had an article entitled 'Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You.' What is the Christian response? 'Why...
Pornography offers love without strings, but the love is a lie. A Christian philosophy of love brings the love that heals and fulfills.
The 'nature vs. nurture' argument is highly relevant to why we sin. We are a product of our environment, but God is stronger than any other influe...
God is a god of justice. So why aren't our abusers punished immediately? Finding the grace and neccessity in postponed justice.