Lunacy in the Church Part 1

Waking up the Angels

By Jim Allen

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Continued from Page One

Self-control or 'temperance' can be simply defined as the mastery of oneself, the capacity of individuals to so restrain their own emotions, desires, and impulses that they can serve others. The lack of such control in our culture, be it related to chemical abuse, overeating, or a host of other unhealthy behaviors, should concern every Christian, indeed every congregation of believers who wish to be a lighthouse of God's grace to those who are 'out of control.' [4]
The driver who sensed the nearness of angels was acting on impulse. An impulse is the sudden urge to do something without being able to control the act and outcome. Waking up angels is clearly outside scripture and certainly not our Christian duty.

When God wants our attention, He will get it but not in a way that discredits the Gospel, His Son, and His divine purposes on earth.

In this impulsive instance, the driver:
• Did not examine his impulse in light of scripture (2 Corinthians 10:5).
• Did not think about the spiritual aspect of angelic beings and their assigned roles on earth (Hebrews 1:14).
• Did not stop to reason his actions would have consequences (Colossians 2:18).

It would appear this young man's neurotic behavior was unintentional though to him a real experience with the para-normal results. While he did not set out to discredit the Lord of Glory and Christianity, he did and herein the issue and our woeful shame. To call oneself a Christian demands a level of answerability that can never be taken lightly because the world is watching.

In closing, the Bible says we are living epistles, open letters read of all men (2 Corinthians 3:2); and, that our readership includes a long list of family, friends, and professional associates. If what the world interprets from our behavior is lunacy, then we have no basis to defend the indefinable, and herein our most immediate need to examine these things (Acts 17:11).

Part 2 will explore the growing reality of spiritual beings among us and how to distinguish true angelic activity from demonic deception.

4. Gary B. McGee; "Self-Control"; Enrichment Journal

Image Credit: "Sleeping Angel"; James Mockett; Creative Commons

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Published 6-25-14